Roses Roses Roses | 30 Stems

€55,00 EUR €59,95


Unveiling the Magnificence of Thirty-Rose Bouquet: A Kaleidoscope of Colors.

Prepare to be amazed by our Thirty-Rose Bouquet, a lavish display of beauty and elegance. Yes, you read it right - this bouquet boasts a stunning arrangement of 30 roses, ensuring an unforgettable impact that will leave your recipient in awe.

With an assortment of at least three captivating colors in every bouquet, the Thirty-Rose Bouquet creates a kaleidoscope of hues that radiate joy and charm. Each rose is carefully selected for its vibrant petals, ensuring a mesmerizing combination that delights the senses.

Standing at an impressive size of 32cm high and 26cm in diameter, this bouquet is a true showstopper. The roses are lovingly adorned with delicate gypsophila and pistache foliage, meticulously handcrafted into a breathtaking arrangement that exudes sophistication.

To ensure the utmost freshness and beauty, our bouquets are meticulously prepared. Each bouquet is gift-wrapped, aqua-packed to maintain hydration, and safety-boxed for secure delivery. We take pride in the presentation of our bouquets, ensuring they arrive in pristine condition.

Order now and experience the magnificence of our Thirty-Rose Bouquet. Be captivated by the stunning colors, delicate accents, and impeccable presentation. Trust Mad Flowers for the finest floral experiences, where every bouquet is delivered with care, artistry, and a touch of enchantment.


Delivery Info

Delivery is available 6 Days a week in Dublin & 4 Days a week in Ireland.

We offer Same-Day delivery in Dublin & Next-Day delivery in Ireland.

Subscription orders are delivered every Thursday, regardless of when the order was placed.

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Close up view of the blush flower bouquet

Fresh, colour-popping flowers, made in Dublin, and delivered anywhere on the Island of Ireland